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Getting involved is a great way to give of your time and talents - plus you get to meet people in your church family!

There are many options - from volunteering in Sunday School rooms, First Impressions Team, bringing treats, singing or running the tech system - we have something for everyone and would love to teach you a new skill.

First Impressions Team - The first impressions team is the first face people see when they come to church on Sunday! Your primary role is to greet people as they enter the building, hand out bulletins, assist with offering collection and preparing/taking down the coffee bar.

JAM & Unite Kids - JAM & Unite Kids are our youth ministry programs that run during the school year for 3 year olds through 6th grade. In order to continue to grow our program and our youth, we need you! We need helpers to both lead and assist each Sunday. There is a teaching plan provided - so all you have to do is follow along and lead our kids as they learn to be disciples!

Technology Team - As the world changes, so does worship! Our technology team plays an integral part in worship - setting up livestream to Facebook, checking sound levels and controlling the screens. It may sound intimidating, but its fairly intuitive. If you're interested in learning the system and serving in this capacity, we'd love to teach you! Perfect option for teenagers wanting to get more involved in worship!

Sunday Coffee Treats - Every Sunday, we have coffee and fellowship before worship - we love to also have a treat available during this time. What better way to showcase the many talents of our people than to offer the opportunity to bring a treat or 2 to share during this time. It could be cookies, breads, meat & cheese, fruit...the list goes on. Sign up below to bring your goodies - homemade or store bought :)

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